The crisis and the media, Athens, Papazisis, 2013.
The society of pleasant information. The news and the modernity, Athens, Kastaniotis 2011.
The “national issues” in the maelstorm of mass media. The macedonian issuue, the Greek-turkish relations and the Cyprus issue in television and press (with Ch. Fragonikolopoulos), Athens, Sideris 2010.
Visual culture and education, Athens, Polytropon, 2005.
The discourse of image: ideology and politics, Athens, Papazisis, 2001.
Konstantinou H., Pleios G. (eds.), School failure and social exclusion: causes, consequences, handling, pp. 333-363, Ellinika Grammata, Athens 1999
Moving image and artistic communication, Athens, Delfini, 1993.